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electrical skiro ELEMENT Lowrider Ultra je eden izmed najbolj inovativnih skirojev on tržišču.
ZASNOVAN into SLOVENIJI: at the procesu načrtovanja smo into prvi vrsti vzeli into obzir varnost and udobje uporabnika, ne yes bi at the tem žrtvovali all druge pomembne Features skiroja.
Element electrical skiro Lowrider Ultra ima pnevmatike with kar 12” obsega. into praksi to pomeni, mehkejšo and stabilnejšo vožnjo with občutno manj tresljaji. Zaradi le-teh je kontrola nad skirojem into nepredvidljivih situacijah (kamenje or luknja on cesti, mokro cestišče, manjši edgeniki and druge ovire) bistveno boljša. Širok stojni part z nizkim težiščem provides uporabniku extremely vozno dinmiko and vodljivost, kar še posebej pride to izraza at the vožnji skozi zavoje. Lowrider Ultra ima pnevmatike with strukturo satja (without skrbi, yes bi zaradi preluknjane pnevmatike kje obstali).
Front blažilna vilica bo absorbirala večino tresljajev med vožnjo.
Povišana balanca bo poskrwhite for večjo kontrolo.
Podnožje je designeto širše and težišče med vožnjo je nižje, kar zagotovi bolj stabilno vožnjo.
Doseg skiroja Lowrider Ultra je naravnost izjemen. highzmogljiva Li-Ion Battery will allow you toa vožnjo to kar 75km! also at the sami power, vas elektricni skiro ne bo pustil ravnodušne. after potrebi namreč Engine razvije Power to vsega 900W, kar bo poskrwhite for odlično vlečno Power also near vožnji into klanec.
to novih dogodivščin vas loči le ELEMENT Lowrider Ultra.
Fizične Features:
The electric folding scooter ELEMENT Lowrider Ultra is one of the most innovative scooters on the market. During the design process, we took into account the safety and comfort of the user in the first place without sacrificing all other important features of the scooter.
The Lowrider Ultra has tires as large as 12” in circumference. In practice, this means a smoother and more stable ride with significantly less vibration. Because of them, control over the scooter in unpredictable situations (stones or potholes on the road, wet road, small curbs, and other obstacles) is significantly better. The wide standing part with a low center of gravity offers the user exceptional driving dynamics and handling, which is especially evident when driving through turns. The Lowrider Ultra has honeycomb tires (no worries about a flat tire getting stuck).
The responsive front suspension fork will absorb most of the vibrations during the ride.
The reach of the Lowrider Ultra scooter is truly exceptional. The high-performance Li-Ion battery will allow you to drive up to 75 km! Even with its power, it will not leave you indifferent. If necessary, the engine develops a power of up to 900W, which will ensure excellent pull power when driving uphill.
Only ELEMENT Lowrider Ultra separates you from new adventures.
Physical properties:
Brand | Element |
Stock | In stock |
Condition | NEW - regular program |