...u centru zbivanja.
Slavonski brod, Našice, Beli Manastir, Đakovo, Valpovo, Vukovar, Osijek....
Higienski withoutkontaktni koš K35S-10L s sensorjem bližine, allows povsem preprosto upravljanje ter se lahko near tem pohvali z ergonomically zasnovo. Izdelan je from highqualityh materialov and je zaradi svoje praktičnosti glavni izbor marsikaterega gospodinjstva. UConsumption posod je avtomatizirana s poPowerjo TouchLess sensorjev, k funkcionalnosti pa prispeva also logična unit Chip.
V vaši kuhinji, pisarni, pagesšču, vrtu bo izgleyesl extremely.
Optimalna higienska rešitev for hitro, čisto and učinkovito odsidejevanje smeti.
2 built in elektronska sensorja TouchLess zagotavljata automatically odpiranje in closing covera košare, natančno after potrebi, samo približajte roko or predmet on vrh posode, ko se smeti odvrže v koš, se cover znova zapre v nekaj sekunyesh
Logiko odpiranja and zapiranja nadzira poseben čip, z twoma built inma elektronskima gumboma na Front plošči koša, allowsta also prisilno odpiranje and closing coveroma košare, zato ne boste potrebovali biti v skrbet, v kolikor pride to poškodbe elektronike or mehanike covera
Elektronika košare works z 2 x AA Batterymi (življenjska doba baterije min. 6 mesecev, baterije niso vključene)
zamenjavo Interiorh higienskih plastičnih vrečk je mogoče zelo enostavno opraviti z Interiorm zadrževalnim obročem, ki plastično vrečko for smeti drži on mestu, hkrati pa allows hitro zamenjavo
gladka zasnova košare. Poso yes je narejena from trpežne plastic.
spacenin koša: 10 litrov
Dimensions: 23.5*23.5*37.2
Weight: 2 kg
The hygienic contactless bin K35S-10L with a proximity sensor enables completely simple operation and boasts an ergonomic design. It is made of high-quality materials and is the main choice of many households due to its practicality. The use of containers is automated with the help of TouchLess sensors, and the Chip logic unit also contributes to the functionality.
It will look amazing in your kitchen, office, toilet, garden.
The optimal hygienic solution for fast, clean and efficient garbage disposal.
2 built-in TouchLess electronic sensors ensure automatic opening and closing of the basket lid, exactly as needed, just bring your hand or object to the top of the bin, when the waste is dumped into the bin, the lid closes again in seconds
The logic of opening and closing is controlled by a special chip, with two built-in electronic buttons on the front panel of the basket, they also allow forced opening and closing of the basket lids, so you will not need to worry if the electronics or lid mechanics are damaged
The electronics of the basket work with 2 x AA batteries (battery life min. 6 months, batteries not included)
changing the internal hygiene plastic bags can be done very easily with the internal retaining ring that holds the plastic garbage bag in place while allowing for a quick change
smooth basket design. The container is made of durable plastic.
Bin capacity: 10 litres
Dimensions: 23.5*23.5*37.2
Weight: 2 kg
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